Hi World! My apologies for my blogging hiatus. It turns out September and early October has become quite the busy time for us--Our entire little family's birthdays all crammed into one month (and one day...if my husband is reading), the beginning of the most pleasant time of the year-FOOTBALL SEASON or Fall as others like to call it, a scare with our poor kitty cat who now seems to be miraculously healed after a thousand dollar vet bill and still no ultimate diagnosis (Ugh!), and a few other fun adventures with family and friends.
Since I last wrote, Baby O has transformed into a Toddler. He's rambunctious and ON. THE. MOVE. His first birthday celebration was fantastic and we were so happy to be able to celebrate his birth with such amazing friends and family. It meant so much to us to see just how many people care so deeply for our little guy!
I believe O was motivated to take off on foot when he realized the other kids at his party were getting around so much quicker than his primary transport of crawling. Prior to the party there was a step here and a step there, but those days are no more. He even prefers to walk on his own over cruising in his stroller which leads to a much slower shopping pace for mom and dad. On the contrary, at home he is a movin' and a shakin' around the house which keeps me on my toes at all times.
In my experience a walking toddler is MUCH more challenging than a crawling toddler just because they really do get around faster on their own. This brings me to my point-Google searches. In the last few weeks I have had more Google searches open for things that I never even considered that anyone would ever have to type! Seriously. Yesterday I typed in "My baby ate a mot." Yes, in my frantic state after O ate a moth I misspelled "moth" but oddly felt a little relieved when Google courteously asked, "Did you mean "My baby ate a moth?" Yes! Yes, I did! Other parents had Googled this before me; therefore I was not alone with my child who may or may not be exhibiting early signs of Pica or honing his skills to prepare for a life modeled after Bear Grylls. I did also find some relief that he did not eat poop or a roach which were also suggestions as I was beginning my search. In the past week, he's also attempted to eat a fly (He caught that thing mid-flight! I like to think of it as a sign of advanced fine motor skills :)), rocks, dirt, and grass. Face palm.
After I concluded from my search that a moth was really no harm to my child aside from the disturbing residue of "fairy dust" that lined his lips (this was my tip-off something was awry), I began to wonder what other interesting searches Google received on a daily basis. In my search I found this article by the Huffington Post. What?
In just the short time since my husband and I have been graced by our little guy, I cannot believe how many searches I've done on constipation, breastfeeding (i.e. "When will my nipples stop hurting?"), signs of concussion (I may be a hypochondriac, but I will note that this search is opened more frequently now that O is often so preoccupied with getting to his destination he often runs into things-Less so now than when he was crawling, but still a daily issue), and of course, my already mentioned "My baby ate___." Thankfully, I have yet to be the first to search any of these items. There is some relief in knowing that others can relate. Misery really does love company, or at least in the case of this mom. What things have you searched that you found to be a surprising need?
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